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Are You A Try- Hard Parents

Every child is different and intelligent in their way. You can’t compare one child with another in any way, be it academics, sports, or any other extra-curricular activity. While your child may be scoring well in his exams at school, his friend might be the leader of a football team. But have you ever tried to pressurize your child and make him feel guilty of his low performance in any domain even when he is excelling in the other? If your head nods for a yes, then you are a tr-hard parent. Additionally, it’s crucial to consider the impact of such parenting styles on your child’s mental health, as undue pressure may contribute to mental health issues.

Try-hard parents are those who push their children excessively, and to an extent that lowers their self-esteem. Living with such parents leads to several mental health issues in children, such as sleep deprivation, eating disorders, anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression, to name a few. Parents need to motivate their children to excel in the domains they want them to, but there is certainly a limit to pushing your child. They should not be pressured to attain results that they could not at a certain point in time. Parents must understand that children need their support even more when they fail as compared to the times when they excel. The importance of maintaining a balance in parenting styles for the sake of mental health issues cannot be overstated.

Forms of Intelligence

Parents must understand that their child doesn’t need to excel in the domain they want them to. While they might be performing poorly at school, they might be stars in sports or music or any other field. Parents need to be aware that intelligence can be categorized into nine different types. These include:

  1. Nature Intelligence
  2. Musical Intelligence
  3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
  4. Existential Intelligence
  5. Interpersonal Intelligence
  6. Bodily-Kinetic Intelligence
  7. Linguistic Intelligence
  8. Personal Intelligence
  9. Spatial Intelligence

It is the parent’s responsibility to check for the level of intelligence in their children and help them thrive in the domain that they like. Doing so will help them master their skills in the field that clicks with them.

Nurture Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Parents need to take some basic steps to nurture their child’s self-esteem and make them feel better. There are several ways in which they can help boost their child’s self-confidence. A few of these are as mentioned below:
It is crucial for parents to be aware of potential mental health issues in their children and address them promptly. By fostering a supportive environment and open communication, parents can contribute significantly to their child’s mental health and overall well-being.

  1. Praise them for their accomplishments, even if they are small, and for taking steps that helped them overcome their obstacles.
  2. Let them fail and own their mistakes. This will make them stronger to take the next steps and be aware of themselves.
  3. Help them identify their strengths and focus on them. Avoid pushing them to think about the negatives and fall.
  4. Give them the responsibility to complete certain tasks. Once done, this will help them develop a sense of responsibility and ownership.
  5. Make them feel safe at home. Show them love and express affection towards them so that they can develop a sense of trust in you.

Do Not Delay To Seek Help

It is possible that being strict makes you feel that you are benefitting your child. But you need to understand that you are damaging their health and well-being. You are also forcing them to hide things from you and be manipulative when around you. The risk of developing mental health issues is also higher among children who try hard parents control. If you know someone who is affected by any form of mental illness and would like to gain in-depth knowledge and understanding about these illnesses, listening to the podcast programs of Not Your Problems can prove to be beneficial.

Not Your Problems focuses on sharing podcast programs with details about mental health issues that commonly affect an individual. It is a new way to not only learn about these diseases but also be inspired to seek help and lead a healthy life. So, if you would like to know about the mental health issues diagnosed in individuals, don’t miss to listen to our podcast sessions.